Time Specification

The information below is published for the Clearing Member`s convenience and has no legal force.

NCC`s clearing and other operations execution time is established by the Clearing rules and can be changed by the NCC`s decision.

In case of divergence between the information provided below and the provisions of the Clearing Rules (or the NCC`s decision for the certain operation time change), the Clearing Rules and (or) the NCC`s decision adopted within the Clearing Rules shall prevail.

The indicated time is the Moscow time.



1. Time of receival and execution of Requests (with the indication of the amount) and Standing Instructions (in the maximum available amount) for Collateral return
Currency Time of receival of Requests for Collateral return Time of execution of Requests for Collateral return Time of execution of Standing Instructions for Collateral return
AMD from 8:00 to 12:30 During the Settlement day when the NCC receives the corresponding Request Every Settlement day, following the date of the submission of the Standing Instruction 13:001/14:002
BYN from 8:00 to 15:30 15:30
CNY from 8:00 to 14:45 13:15
KGS from 8:00 to 11:00 12:45
KZT from 8:00 to 13:15 13:00
RUB from 8:00 to 19:30 19:45
TJS from 8:00 to 11:00 12:45
TRY from 8:00 to 14:00 13:001/14:002
UZS from 8:00 to 12:30 13:001/14:002
GLD from 8:00 to 20:00 20:00
SLV from 8:00 to 20:00 20:00

Crediting of funds in foreign currency to the Account for Collateral return will be performed in accordance with the terms of execution of orders in foreign currency of the correspondent accounts of the Settlement Bank published on the official website of the Settlement Bank on the Internet.

1 For external payments - return of funds to an Account for the return of collateral opened with a credit institution that is not a Settlement bank / Settlement organisation in such a currency
2 For domestic payments - return of funds to an Account for the return of collateral opened with a credit institution that is a Settlement bank / Settlement organisation in such a currency

2.  Time of execution of Standing Instructions for Collateral return (in the amount of the net claim of Trades with and without accounting for fees)

а) which contains the sign indicating the necessity to return the cash funds / precious metal in the amount of the net claim

It includes the net requirement for the transactions and the variation margin, does not include the fee. It is convenient to use for early calculations in the FX market.

Precious metal
Presence of the provided by the Clearing Member Time of execution of Standing Instruction
Request for the execution of early settlement* Standing Instruction to execute early settlement, with the indication of*
AMD, TJS, KGS x x from 11:00
CNY, KZT, TRY x x from 12:30
RUB till 11:00 11:00 from 11:00
from 11:00 to 12:30 12:30 from 12:30
from 12:30 to 14:00 or from 15:15 to 17:30 х within 15 minutes after the Clearing House receives the Request for the execution of early settlement
from 14:00 to 15:15 15:15 from 15:15
from 17:30 to 18:00 18:00 from 18:00
BYN till 11:00 11:00 from 11:00
from 11:00 to 12:30 12:30 from 12:30
from 12:30 to 14:00 х within 15 minutes after the Clearing House receives the Request for the execution of early settlement
not submitted not submitted from 15:15
GLD, SLV till 11:00 11:00 from 11:00
from 11:00 to 12:30 12:30 from 12:30
from 12:30 to 14:00 or from 15:15 to 17:30 х within 15 minutes after the Clearing House receives the Request for the execution of early settlement
from 14:00 to 15:15 15:15 from 15:15
from 17:30 to 18:00 18:00 from 18:00

* the request for early settlements is submitted without specifying the time, the Standing Instruction for early settlements specifies the time for early settlements

b) which contains a sign indicating the need to return the funds in the Russian rubles in the amount of the final net claim of the Clearing Member
It is convenient to use it for the write-off of the guaranteed fee. It includes the net requirement for the transactions, the variation margin, as well as the fee.

Currency Presence of: Time of execution of Standing Instruction
RUB the Request to limit the end time of execution of Trades with the Clearing House the Standing Instruction to limit the end time of execution of Trades with the Clearing House (with the specification of the time) 18:00
from 17:30 to 18:00 18:00
х х 19:00

3. Margin call determination and execution time

  Time of determination of Margin Calls Time of Satisfaction of Margin Calls
for Guarantee Funds* 10:00 Settlement day till 17:30 on the day the corresponding Margin requirement arises
for Stress Collateral* 10:00 Settlement day till 17:30 on the day the corresponding Margin requirement arises
for concentration risk mitigation Collateral* 10:00 Settlement day till 17:30 on the day the corresponding Margin requirement arises


* On the Standardised Derivatives market, Securities market, Derivatives market, FX and Precious Metals market


1. Clearing Members` Total Net Obligations/Total Net Claims calculation and execution time

Precious metal
Trades execution period
(on the Settlement Date)

Total Net Obligations
Total Net Claims /
calculation time *
(on the Settlement Date)
Total Net Obligations
execution time **
(on the Settlement Date)

AMD till 11:00 11:00 till 13:00 ***
from 11:00 till 19:00 19:20 till 20:00
BYN till 15:15 15:15 till 15:30***
CNY till 12:30 12:30 till 13:15 ***
from 12:30 till 19:00 19:20 till 20:00
KGS till 11:00 11:00 till 12:00 ***
KZT till 12:30 12:30 till 13:15 ***
from 12:30 till 19:00 19:20 till 20:00
RUB till 19:00 19:20 till 20:00
TJS till 11:00 11:00 till 13:00 ***
TRY till 12:30 12:30 till 14:00 ***
from 12:30 till 19:00 19:20 till 20:00
UZS till 11:00 11:00 till 13:00 ***
from 11:00 till 19:00 19:20 till 20:00
GLD till 19:00 19:20 till 20:00

*- for the Clearing Members which did not submit the Request for the execution of early settlement or the Standing Instruction to execute early settlement

** - if there is a failure in the payment systems, the specified time may be extended by the NCC` decision until the specified failure is eliminated

*** - currently specified by the NCC`s direction as 20:00 Moscow time

2. Time of receival and execution of Requests (with the indication of the amount) and Standing Instructions (in the maximum available amount) for Collateral return

The corresponding time is indicated in the dropdown "Common for all markets" and the Time specifications of the Common part of the Clearing rules.


3. Margin requirements determination and execution time

  Time to determine Margin Requirements Time to execute Margin requirements
for Settlement Accounts open on the FX Market and Precious Metals Market 10:00 Settlement day before 17:30 on the day the corresponding Margin requirement arises


1.  Margin requirements determination and execution time

  Time to determine Margin Requirements Time to execute Margin requirements
for Settlement Accounts open on the Stock Market, Deposit Market and Credit Market 10:00 Settlement day before 17:30 on the day the corresponding Margin requirement arises

2. Сроки определения и исполнения обязательств

Determination of Total Net Obligations / Total Net Claims in securities
arising from trades, executed till 16:00
at 16:00 on the Settlement Date
Execution by Clearing Members of Total Net Obligations in securities
under trades, executed on the Settlement Date till 16:00
at 17:00 on the Settlement
Execution of REPO / buy-sell trades in securities in case if there are Total
Net Obligations / Total Net Claims in securities under trades, executed
on the Settlement Date till 16:00, for the fulfillment of which there is an
insufficient number of securities
from 17:00 till 17:30 on
the Settlement Day
Determination of Total Net Obligations / Total Net Claims in securities,
arising from trades, executed on the Settlement Date from 16:00 till
at 19:00 on the Settlement Date
Execution by Clearing Members of Total Net Obligations in securities,
under trades, executed on the Settlement Date from 16:00 till 19:00
at 19:00 on the Settlement Date
Execution of REPO / buy-sell trades in securities in case if there are Total
Net Obligations / Total Net Claims in securities under trades, executed
on the Settlement Date from 16:00 till 19:00, for the fulfillment of which
there is an insufficient number of securities
from 19:00 till 19:20 on
the Settlement Day


1. Margin requirements determination and execution time  

  Time to determine Margin requirements Time to execute Margin requirements
for Settlement Account for tax payment 10:00 Settlement day before 17:30 on the day the corresponding Margin requirement arises
for Settlement Accounts open on the Derivatives Market Based on the results of each clearing session mark-to-market (until 14:05 and until 19:05) No later than 12:30 30 if a Margin requirement arises after the previous evening clearing session or no later than 17:30 if a Margin requirement arises after the previous day clearing session

1. Margin requirements determination and execution time  

  Time to determine Margin Requirements Time to execute Margin requirements
for Settlement Accounts open on the Standardised Derivatives Market until 21:30 on the Settlement Day until 16:00 on the Settlement Day following the day the corresponding Margin requirement arises





NCC`s Clearing rules

Trading Schedule FX and Precious Metals Market


Contact details


on issues relating to Time Specification please contact Your Personal Manager by the phone number +7 495 363 32 32