StandardisedDerivatives Market

The NCC carries out clearing on the Standardised Derivatives market in accordance with the Clearing Rules on the Standardised Derivatives market. The Clearing House executes clearing acting as a central counterparty to all Standardised Derivatives market.

The Settlement Accounts opened on the Standardised Derivatives market receive the status of the Unified Pool Settlement Accounts. More details are provided on the Unified Collateral Pool page. To open a Clearing Member Settlement Account on the Standardised Derivatives market, the Clearing Member submits to the Clearing Centre a Request for opening of 1st level Settlement Account on the Securities market and the Deposit market, to assign to the opened Settlement Account the ‘Unified Pool’ feature and to extend the scope of the Unified Pool Settlement Account to the Standardised Derivatives market.

The Tariffs of the Clearing Centre can be found in the ‘Clearing. Documents’ section of the NCC website.

XSLT-style и XSD-scheme of Clearing reports:

The NCC performs clearing in respect of the following derivative financial instruments:

  • swap contracts
  • forward contracts as well as swap trades and buy-sell trades in foreign currency.

Information on the MOEX website

On the Standardised Derivatives market Clearing Members may be assigned the category ‘B’ or ‘B2’.

Forms and formats of documents and reports on the Standardised Derivatives market

Accounts details

1. Posting Collateral

Up-to-date information on contributions to the Default Fund can be found on the relevant page.

Since all Settlement Accounts on the Standardised Derivatives market are Unified Pool Settlement Accounts, all assets accepted as collateral for the fulfillment of obligations under partially secured trades on the Securities market are accepted as Collateral on the Unified Pool Settlement Accounts

The list of assets, which Profiles can be transferred to the Standardised Derivatives market can be found on the Unified Collateral Pool page on the NCC website.

The funds being individual clearing collateral / other collateral shall be deposited by the Clearing Member to the clearing bank account / correspondent account of the NCC in relevant currency with obligatory indication of the Settlement Account in the payment purpose.

XXXXX is the Clearing Member Settlement Account


where ZZZ – number of payment document

YY.MM.DD – date of forming the payment document

6 – payment priority

XXXXX – Clearing Member Settlement Account

2. Return of Collateral

Guidelines on returning Collateral via SWIFT

Guidelines on returning Collateral via the Clearing terminal and EDI

Peculiarities of Execution of the Request for Return
Number of execution attempts      repeatedly
Execution time before cut-off time for the corresponding currency
Result of execution executed in the amount specified in the Request or not executed


Request for return is valid the day of submission (on Settlement Days of corresponding currency).

The NCC accepts Requests for return in accordance with the Time Specification.

Examples of filling in Requests for Collateral return in standard txt format:

- Collateral return in Russian Rubles – RURRETURN

- Collateral return in US Dollars – CURRETURN