
CJSC JSCB National Clearing Centre (hereinafter the Bank) has received a certificate of compliance with the International Quality Management System Standard ISO 9001:2008 (DNV Business Assurance Management System Certificate ISO 9001:2008). The certificate was issued by Det Norske Veritas International Certification Society following the results of the certification audit of the Bank conducted by the former. As stated in the certificate, it applies to the clearing services, including the central counterparty function.

“National Clearing Centre certification of compliance with the International Quality Management System signifies that the Bank’s operation focuses on improving the quality of services provided to our clients”, commented on this event Mr. Alexey Khavin, Chairman of the Board of  National Clearing Centre. According to him, “the issuance of such certificate also proves that the Bank’s governance system is mature, and the readiness of the management for its ongoing improvement.”

The certification audit of National Clearing Centre performed by Det Norske Veritas included interviews with the company employees, as well as the analysis of the Bank’s internal documents and regulations. ISO 9001:2008 is an international standard generalizing the world’s most advanced expertise in industrial management and corporate quality management. The specifics of the standards used by Det Norske Veritas is that such standards apply not directly to the quality of products and services, but to the business process management organization system intended to ensure predictable and stable quality level for products and services.



Editors’ notes:


Det Norske Veritas International Certification Society is a reputable international body specializing in the corporate quality management system certification, with its certificates recognized in all countries around the globe. The range of services provided by Det Norske Veritas includes accreditation and issuance of permits in various certification fields, in particular ISO 9001:2008. The certificates issued by Det Norske Veritas serve as a reputable evidence of a quality management system’s compliance with international standards. Det Norske Veritas was founded in 1864 in Norway. The certificates issued by this certification society are held by over 70 thousand entities in the world .


CJSC JSCB National Clearing Centre, member of Moscow Exchange Group, was established in October 2005. NCC renders clearing services and performs central counterparty functions in the Group’s exchange-based currency and stock markets. The bank’s shareholder is the Open Joint-Stock Company Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS (100%).

Since November 2009, NCC has been the member of the European Association of Clearing Houses – Central Counterparties (EACH), and since September 2011 – member of the Global Association of Central Counterparties – CCP12.

NCC holds a license of the Bank of Russia for banking operations with rouble and foreign currency funds, and a license of professional securities market participant, issued by the Federal Service for Financial Markets (FSFR). As of 01 December 2012, the bank’s equity exceeded 13 bn roubles, including the authorized capital of 6 bn 170 mln roubles.