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The following risk parameters will be changed: Ticker IR risk (downward scenario) - SE...
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As per the Securities market risk parameters methodology, on 27.04.2022, 11-36 (MSK) the lower bound of the price band (...
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As per the Securities market risk parameters methodology, on 27.04.2022, 11-30 (MSK) the upper bound of the price band (...
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As per the Securities market risk parameters methodology, on 27.04.2022, 11-30 (MSK) the upper bound of the price band (...
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As per the Securities market risk parameters methodology, on 27.04.2022, 10-49 (MSK) the upper bound of the price band (...
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As per the FX and Precious metals market risk parameters methodology, on 27.04.2022, 10-32 (MSK) the lower bound of the ...
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CCP NCC change connector?cmd=file&target=B_L0ZpbGVzIE5ld3MvMjYuMDQuMjAyMi9Ob3Zvc3Rfcmlza19wYXJhbWV0cnlfTWFqc2tpZV9wc...
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The following risk parameters will be changed: Ticker IR risk (downward scenario) - SE...
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As per the Securities market risk parameters methodology, on 26.04.2022, 12-49 (MSK) the upper bound of the price band (...
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As per the Securities market risk parameters methodology, on 26.04.2022, 12-44 (MSK) the lower bound of the price band (...
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