
30th and 31st of December 2023, 1st and 2nd of January, 6th and 7th of January 2024 trading and settlements will not be performed on all markets of the Moscow Exchange.

3rd, 4th, 5th and 8th of January 2024 года trading will be performed on all markets of the Moscow Echange according to the standard schedule, also posting, transfers and withdrawals of collateral in securities and Russian rubles will be performed, settlements under trades will be performed taking into account the following specialities:

Market Specialities
Securities market, deposit market and credit market Settlements are performed according to the standard shedule, on the money market - taking into account information about tranfers of settlement dates depending on Trading Modes. In accordance with Calendar of Settlement dates settlements are not performed in: AED, AMD, BYN, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, GLD, HKD, JPY, KGS, KZT, PLD, PLT, SLV, TJS, TRY, USD, UZS, XAU, ZAR
FX market and precious metals market

Trading will be perfomed in all instruments excluding trades with the settlement date on the trade date (trades with settlements "TODAY") and swap trades, settlement dates on the first parts of which falls on the trade date of these swap trades.

Will be limited submission of Offers for the conclusion of OTC trades in foreign currency and OTC trades in precious metals, containing indication that the settlement date of such OTC trades is the trade date of such OTC trades, as well as swap trades in foreign currency / precious metals, the settlement date for the first parts of which falls on the trades date of swap trades in foreign currency / precious metals.

Derivatives market Settlements are performed in the standard regime.
Standardised derivaties market Settlements are performed on all instruments excluding Standardised Derivative Contracts, providing for obligations expressed in Russian rubles.