
Due to ticker change from FBHS-RM to FBIN-RM starting from December 30, 2022 risk parameters will be applied according to the table below.

1. Market risk rates and concentration limits, attributes for ban on short selling and eligible collateral:

Ticker Name Market risk rates, % Concentration limits, units Ban on short selling Eligible collateral
Level 1, S_1_min Level 2, S_2_min Level 3, S_3_min Level 1 Level 2
1 FBIN-RM Fortune Brands Innovations, Inc. 100% 100% 100% 6 445 32 224 Yes No

2. Stress collateral scenarios:

Ticker Name Scen_UP Scen_DOWN
1 FBIN-RM Fortune Brands Innovations, Inc. 0% 0%