
The following risk parameters will be changed:

Ticker Minimum Initial Margin for
the Market Risk, % (S_1_min)
Minimum Initial Margin for
the Market Risk, % (S_2_min)
Minimum Initial Margin for
the Market Risk, % (S_3_min)
New value effective for
Current value New value Current value New value Current value New value
SIBN 20% 31% 26% 37% 33% 44% 28.12.2022 - 30.12.2022


Ticker Minimum Initial Margin for
the Market Risk, % (S_1_min), starting from 03.01.2023
Minimum Initial Margin for
the Market Risk, % (S_2_min), starting from 03.01.2023
Minimum Initial Margin for
the Market Risk, % (S_3_min), starting from 03.01.2023
SIBN 23% 29% 36%


Ticker IR risk (downward scenario) - SECΔ_1 (Y0/Y1) New value effective for
Current value New value
SIBN 35% 77% 28.12.2022 - 30.12.2022


Ticker x_pr New value effective for
SIBN 1.27 28.12.2022 - 30.12.2022


Ticker w New value effective for
SIBN 0.06 28.12.2022 - 30.12.2022